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Re: Phase controller question. Final success

Original poster: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com 

In a message dated 7/2/04 10:40:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:

>Hi Ed,
>Isn't this the advantage of controlled firing with SRSG?  It allows a larger
>Cp to be charged to the maximum disired voltage.  If the Cp is not
>increased, the SRSG could allow charging to a distructive voltage unless the
>safety gaps take over or the optimum phase angle is detuned.  Cp should be
>2.8 * Cres (allowing for loses).  Anything smaller than this allows for the
>possibility of overvoltage does it not?   Cres for 12K 60ma is ~13nf, so Cp
>should be ~37nf. With 17 nf, I bet the safeties are fireing a lot (or you
>have adjusted the phase angle to less than optimum voltage) and explains why
>the performance is same as with static gap.
>Gerry R.


I adjust the phase angle while running at reduced power then turn the power 
up and fine adjust.  The goal is always to adjust for best performance - 
without the safety gap firing of course.  I will give the larger cap a try.

Ed Sonderman