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Original poster: Bart Anderson <classi6-at-classictesla-dot-com>
Hi ALL -
JAVATC version 10 has been in testing for a couple months now. I think it's
finally ready for all List members to use it as they see fit. It is a
complete re-write. I wanted to take advantage of Paul Nicholson's GEOTC
(the core code which FANTC uses) and pull GEOTC's accuracy into JAVATC.
This has been accomplished, but was not an easy task. I'd like to say a
special thank you to John Couture and Gerry Reynolds for their very
detailed feedback over the past couple months. I'd also like to thank
everyone else who tested the program.
JAVATC will now account for walls, ceiling, groundplane, multiple topload
objects, and inductive and capacitive variations due to non-linear current
distribution. JAVATC can now run helical, cone, inv. cone, and flat
geometry for both secondary and primary coils.
JAVATC has been written to allow both Inches and Meters (to take care of
our UK coilers and others who use meters).
JAVATC now has a Consolidated Output function (click this button and all
inputs/outputs are consolidated in a list form).
JAVATC still has a Transformer Design, an RSG design, and now a STATIC Gap
design. The Static Gap area is new, and I still have much to work to do in
this area. I am waiting for more feedback, especially regarding the break
rate. Take these outputs with a grain of salt.
JAVATC also has a coupling adjustment (entered desired, it adjust proximity
vertically). Note, max k occurs when the primary is centered to the
secondary. If you value is greater than what the coil can be adjusted to
(vertically), the highest k possible will be used and listed in the output.
For my "personal" coils, I usually start with 0.153 and adjust form there.
The program cannot (yet) tell you if the coupling is too tight or too
loose, just simply the value of k at the position. You may want to just
leave this field 0 which the tells the program to ignore the "desired
coupling" input field and simply calculate mutual inductance and k at the
current positions. These little tid bits are why it is a good idea to
"read" the help pop-ups.
JAVATC is on a whole new level with this version. Because of all the number
crunching (JavaScript is not compiled), it takes time.
Usually 30 to 45 seconds on my 900 MHz using Internet Explorer 6 (yes, the
browser makes a major difference).
I put informational links in all the output numbers and help for the inputs
(anything colored "blue" is probably a pop-up). All pop-ups open in a
separate window so that JAVATC retains it's data. When refreshed, an onload
event resets the form.
JAVATC is not for the Faint of Heart. There are some browser quirks that
can't be changed. The main quirk is a "message" that asks you if you would
like to stop the script. You should not cancel the script, but let it run.
Browsers by default limit the number of iterations JavaScript runs and
provides a warning to the user when the limit is reached. This warning was
put into browsers to prevent code from locking up a browser if it gets
stuck in a loop. For Internet Explorer, the limit is 5 million iterations.
Well, depending on coil design, JAVATC can easily exceed this value. Just
let it run. This is normal behavior for these browsers.
All you Netscape users - Forget even trying! Netscape 6 is a lost cause and
Netscape 7 is terribly slow. Internet Explorer 6 is still the KING for
speed and functionality (and this said from an avid Netscape user = me).
Other browsers may or may not work well (unknown)
I'll do my best to answer any questions you have, but let me give you fair
warning, I'm a dad with teenagers!
Here's the url:
NOTE: Version 10 takes the place of the old version 9.1 (old links will
still work and bring up the new version).
Take care,