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Re: Good News For My Finished MOT Powered Six Inch TC! But Nedd A Little Help Please!

Original poster: tesla <tesla-at-paradise-dot-net.nz> 

Greetings Nolan

For my money getting rid of all the ballasting is worth a try. With all
those large reactances running around in both the primary and secondary of
the system god alone knows what reactive cancellations are occurring. You
will have large inductances in series with large capacitors. The net effect
of this can be resonance.

I understnad you have a big variac suggest you simple use this to run the
beast up to the power you feel comfortable with.

Do not think the exact physical size of the parts is the deal just put heaps
of power thru it. I use similar 4 MOT system and can get 2m arcs running
about 6kVA

90nF, SRSG 300bps with static in parallel, 4 or 6 MOTs as selected
150mm x900mm toroid

Ted L NZ