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Re: Stupid question.

Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>

Hi Hardtmuth,

Hot-streamer only has 240kBPS upload speed with is normally more than 
enough.  However programs like httrack try to log in as a large number of 
users and download a large number of files at the same time.  So instead of 
having two users downloading 4 files, it has 20 users downloading 3000 
files...  Normally a file called "robots.txt" will signal programs like 
httrack not to try and download everything.  But that can be easily over 
ridden...  Some of the programs can be set to limit the bandwidth they use, 
but then instead of one user taking 100% of the bandwidth you just get 5 
users taking 20% each for a total of 100%...  Basically, these site 
mirroring programs are just a big bandwidth mess...

Obviously that is a big problem since the site may run 20,000,000,000 
bytes.  You will never get it "all" downloaded and other people will have 
trouble getting in while it tries.  There are some big data files and 
such...  95% of it is off little interest really.  Interestingly, my 
antibubble site gets almost as many hits as the Tesla site now...  Mirror 
programs are not a problem there since that site is tiny and the rest is 
invisible to those users...

The "fix" is easy.  The firewall is easily capable of blocking any outside 
user it sees as a problem, and it does a good job ;-))  When it gets fun, 
is when someone say from AOL tries under a few different IP addresses and 
the firewall starts blocking large blocks of IP address.  Then no one from 
say AOL can get in ;-D

For example, IP was initially blocked on May 11th.  The next 
day was blocked.  Apparently the user is capable of switching 
IP addresses, so the next trick is to block all the addresses from  to  If that does not work, blocking to probably would ;-))  So far, it has not had to block 
to :o))

Of course there is no problem when someone looks at a lot of files or 
downloads some big programs or files.  The problem is when automatic 
programs use all the pipes and bandwidth to try and suck down 
"everything".  Then the firewall will stop them.

So please don't try and download the other 19,900,000,000 bytes ;-)))  I 
would be happy to burn off the data you are interested in onto CD-ROM and 
send it to you.  I think the entire Tesla stuff site is on 4 CD's 
now.  Contact me at:


Also, I will need to know your IP address to turn it back on.  There are 
many blocked addresses but I have no idea which one is yours.

I originally started hot-streamer so I would have room for my 500Meg of 
Tesla coiling files and to learn about server stuff.  Adding other users 
was easy too.  Now it has gotten to be a pretty big deal :-))  I am think 
of getting a "real" server computer.  Bandwidth is not a problem at all 
really if it were not for the mirror programs.  But I fix those ;-))  Of 
course, I seemed to have learned quite a bit about it all :-))  It really 
is fun and very easy to do once you get started.



At 02:48 PM 5/22/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>I have got a problem, because I cant connect to hot-streamer-dot-com :(, 
>(timeout ect). I have been downloading this site by httrack (to view it 
>later (holiday) in offline)few days ago and from that time I`m stuck. So 
>please unban me :), I will not download the rest of the site, if it jams 
>I want now only to follow what is happening in TC world, by reading this 
>maillist and see jpg`s that you uploaded there.
>sad hardtmuth...