Re: Believe it or not
There are two areas the FCC gets interested in.. All in 47 CFR, by the way,
which is online.
First.. damped sinusoids are verboten as a modulation style, if you were
interested in transmitting information or power using your TC. This is
designed to do away with spark gap transmitters.
Second.. most of the rules are in Part 15, which regulates the emissions
from unintentional emitters (presumably, a TC is designed not to radiate
RF). There are a raft of rules specifying the field strength at a
particular distance and particular frequencies, either conducted via the
power cord or radiated through the air.
Given the voltages and frequencies in a typical TC, complying with the
letter of the law, considering the equipment to be just the TC, is well
nigh impossible. On the other hand, if the "equipment boundary" were a
Faraday cage, or other shielded enclosure, you could probably do it.
Considering a TC as a piece of experimental lab gear, and assuming the
emissions are below the limit at your property line, you probably would be
As a practical matter, if you don't interfere, you probably aren't illegal.
> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: Believe it or not
> Date: Sunday, November 07, 1999 1:54 PM
> Original Poster: Stan <sdarling-at-columbus.rr-dot-com>
> I have seen a couple references to FCC violations in this thread. Can
> anyone cite the actual FCC rule(s) or regulation(s) that coiling
> violates? I imagine it has something to do with unlicensed
> transmission, but I would like to know the specifics.