Re: A TC without sparks ???
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: A TC without sparks ???
From: Terry Fritz <twf-at-verinet-dot-com>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 03:59:51 -0700
Approved: twf-at-verinet-dot-com
In-Reply-To: <Pine.GSO.3.95-960729.990328232249.8282B-100000-at-aidan.ncl.a c.uk>
At 11:24 PM 3/28/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Can I run my coil with the secondary removed, if I either:-
>1. Fit a suitable resistance in parallel with my primary winding to
> absorb the RF energy ?
>2. Replace the primary winding with a suitable resistance ?
>3. Insert a suitable resistance in series with the primary winding ?
>Remember at this stage all I am interested in is the primary cap
>charging characteristic. I know other people have done something like
>this before.
>Terry - Didn't you do some testing of spark gaps with the secondary
> absent ?
>Finally, can anyone suggest what sort of change in performance I should
>see going from a forced air cooled RQ-gap to a 200BPS sync' rotary on
>a 2KW 4" coil with Cp=44nF.
> Richie,
> - Trying not to make sparks (for now)
> in sunny Newcastle.
Hi Richie,
Without a secondary, the entire primary energy will be dissipated
in the
spark gap instead of output sparks. This can damage the gap or primary cap. I
would simply set the gap to fire at a lower voltage and/or decrease the primary
voltage with a variac. Since the energy in the primary circuit is proportional
to V^2, reducing the primary voltage will quickly reduce the stress on the
components to a safe level.