Welding teflon (fwd)
Hi all:
Im not sure if Teflon can be welded, since it doesn't really melt, I
doubt it can. It will begin to gel at about 325 C and will revert to the
monomer (tertafluoroethylene) at about 400 C. The alleged poison gas
released would be carbonyl fluoride. Since this gas is readily
hydrolyzed, it would form HF and CO in a moist place like the lungs.
However, pyrolysis is required to form carbonyl fluoride, so unless you
try to use a blowtorch to weld it there shouldn't be much of a problem.
The release of monomer should not be taken too lightly. There have been
poorly characterized, mostly anecdotal reports of 'fume fevers' arising
from breathing around hot (>300C) teflon. I would say that whatever you
try to do welding wise, you do with plenty of ventilation. Hope this
Eric Davidson
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