
Polystyrene best WWW pages

A good page about polystyrene data is:


About polystyrene "chemical exposure performance" click on the relative
link on the same page
you'll get a wide choice of materials organized in alphabetical order and how 
PS reacts with them.

There you can learn that PS stands well Castor Oil and Mineral Oil,
so-so Motor Oil and not well Essential Oil. So the oil MAKES the


 Marco Denicolai                   Vista Communication Instruments, Inc.
 Hardware Development Manager      www.vistacom.fi   

 marco-at-vistacom.fi                 Kaisaniemenkatu 13 A
 fax:    +358-9-622-5610           SF-00100 HELSINKI
 phone:  +358-9-622-623-15         Finland

   Remember, Murphy was an optimist! I am not...