
TC items for sale - Seattle area

It's been interesting following this group's successes, failures, and
considerable coiling experience and enthusiasm for the last few months. I
started my own coil and fully intended to finish it by the end of this year,
but I've decided that there are other things that might be a better use of
my spare time. So, I'm offering the following for sale:

Two 15KV 60mA NSTs - $20 for the pair

One 6" x 34" PVC secondary wound with approx. 700 turns of #18, with epoxyed
phenolic end caps, coated with 3 layers of oil-based polyurethane. $60

Three 10 nF, 80KVDC xray machine caps. I'm told that one of these works
great for a 1kW coil, and that they sell for $275 or so each, in quantity.
Will sell all three for $100.

The NST's and secondary are pick-up only (Seattle area)

Terry Perdue
(425) 485-3188