Re: Secondary size
Hi Cabbott,
> Original Poster: Cabbott Sanders <cabbott-at-cyberis-dot-net>
> Tesla List wrote:
> > Original Poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <mopar-at-uswest-dot-net>
> >
> > Brian,
> > Most will probably tell you that your system is overcoupled. They're also
> > right
> > in most instances. Your description ("arcing from top to bottom and all
> around
> > the secondary") pretty much tells the story. When you fire it up, and see
> the
> > first sign of this, it's time to power down! John Corture's program uses
> > information from many coils to design in coupling. Most either build
> under of
> > over coupled systems to some degree. The fact is, once it's built, it's
> built!
> > Therefore, many will increase primary to secondary spacing by raising the
> > secondary up a bit until the sparkover's stop. I don't want to get into
> the ol
> > "raising the secondary" discussion again, as there is a lot of info in the
> > archives if your curious, but I think it is worth mentioning the fact that
> > what
> > you are getting is an overcoupled sparkover and what many have done to
> resolve
> > it.
> >
> Hello Bart, All:
> If this is the case of overcoupling causing secondary breakdown/turn-to-turn
> flashover, then what about magnifiers? How do you prevent arcs from
> appearing up
> and down the secondary of an extremely coupled resonator such as this?
You can make magnifier extra coils flashover if the voltage is high
enough and/or the shielding isn't thorough enough. I've done it. It
isn't magnetically coupled to the primary at all. It's worth
remembering that the resonator doesn't develop the total output
voltage - look at the arcs you can get from the Tx line.
> Look at
> magnifier 13M for example........
Obviously doesn't exceed the voltage limit for the windings. Perhaps
Bill has something to say about it since it's his coil.