Re: Fixing GD Opener (was: Saving the Garage Door Opener)
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Basura, Brian" <brian.basura-at-unistudios-dot-com>
> Well I blew my GD opener up Saturday night. Rolled the coil out into the
> driveway to show some friends and the darn thing just wouldn't work right.
> I kept tuning and tuning with no luck so I rolled it back into the garage.
> There I ran it at a lower power and things worked great as usual. Then I
> decided on one last run and cranked up the power. A white hot arc to the
> wires between the GD controller and the opener ended that run and the
> opener. Now I'm off to try and find a replacement IC which has a strange
> p/n on it. Anyone recognize a 25C19CX?
> Brian D. Basura>
Gee, I just blew the light sensing controller in my own GD building
mounted yard light by a long direct hit from an outdoor TC test this
summer so I know how frustrated you must be!
Isn't the 25C19CX a 25 inch round screen CRT (with surround sound) from
a now obsolete air traffic control radar display? : )
Robert W. Stephens