
Re: Magnifier Report

Hi John,

> Original Poster: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com 
> All,
> In new work, Lou Balint reports that he obtained a stronger longer 
> spark output from his magnifier when he tuned the secondary to 1/2 
> wavelength and the extra coil to 1/4 wavelength for a total 3/4
> wavelength for the secondary and extra coil combined.  This is 
> compared to the usual tune point which tunes to the combined
> secondary-extra coil resonant frequency.  The new tune point gave
> about a 10% longer spark.
> He is driving the magnifier at low power using a robust signal generator,
> and he obtains about a 1" output spark.  A neon bulb array is used to
> monitor the tuning and any nodes along the coils.  Best results are
> obtained when a low voltage/low impedance node is positioned at the
> base of the extra coil.  
> Lou has also tried placing a variable tuning capacitor across 
> approximately the bottom half of the secondary to assist in correctly
> positioning the low voltage node at the base of the extra coil.  This
> tends to help the coil's performance also.
> John Freau

In essence, it sounds much like a 2-coil system (nodes at the same 
places). Has he compared this setup with a two coil system set to the 
same Ksys run under the same drive conditions?
