
Re: Self-built power transformer

Hi Doug,

> Original Poster: Doug Brunner <dabrunner-at-earthlink-dot-net> 
> I *think* I've got that problem figured out. There will be 5 windings on
> top of
> each other, so the primary can take 30A. I've calculated the inductance for
> that primary at 101.7687875 mH (it's wound on commercial iron).That gives an
> inductive reactance of 38.37 ohms at 60Hz. Not exactly a short circuit.

OK. So you have an RMS magnetizing current of 120/38.37 Amps = 
3.12Amps  which is 4.42Amps peak. Can your core support the flux 
generated by 40 x 4.42 = 177 ampere-turns without going seriously non-
