

Marco Denicolai wrote:

> 1. What is still not understood about Tesla Coils and what would be worth
> investigating about? In that laboratory I am confident I could, for
> instance, measure all the parameters of a TC you have always been dreaming
> about and try to make a model of it.

A precise transmission line model for a coil-with-top-load resonator.
usual lumped LC model works well, but that thing is a transmission line.
Not an usual TEM transmission line, however. Add input through an also
distributed transformer to complicate somewhat.
Investigate precisely how high-frequency streamers and sparks form and
Why do sparks act as rectifiers (as shown in experiments related
in this list some time ago)?
Investigate the dynamics of spark gaps. 
(There is material for several theses...)
> 2. Would it be more challenging instead of a 2-coil TC to build and measure
> a 3-coil TC (Magnifier)?

In a Ph. D. Thesis you would investigate all the possible forms known,
and possibly propose new ones. All work fundamentally in the same way,
differing only in construction details.
> 3. What you would start researching about, if you were me?

History and bibliography. Read everything published (by serious
about the subject, since the very beginning. Including, of course, the
relatively recent contributions of many of the members of this list. 

Good luck,

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz