X-Ray HT power supply
Hello all.
This morning a local radiology technician (who knows of my HV interests)
'gifted' me a 150kV, 500mA (peak) x-ray HT power supply. The power supply
is operational and comes from a decommissioned installation. The output is
full wave rectified (approx 2-3% ripple at peak current) and the only fault
with the unit is that the tube filament heater output (6V above 150kV) is
not functional.
I would be interested if anyone on this list has designed or built a TC
which is powered by such an extremely high DC tank voltage. I have been
playing with the numbers today, and am aware that such a coil will require
a physically huge primary capacitor (approx 130 litres of oil dielectric)
and that the whole tank circuit and secondary would have to be run under
oil (except the spark gap of course). I would also be interested to know
what other inherent problems are to be expected with these designs.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Gavin Hubbard