>List Owner, Tesla list
I've finally got my new Tesla coil up and running. I had a tube coil
years ago and it was fun (4- 811A's in parallel) about an 8 in. corona.
After reading all of the current stuff on the web, I realize that my tuning
was poor. New coil is 6 in. sec., 15KV 120ma. NST, 22nf cap (plate type ) in
a five gallon bucket with 4 and1/2 gallons of kerrosine. Works very well, 4
to 5 ft. corona. With the SG opened up all the way, I've popped the cap
twice. Same failure, a small pinhole in one of the insulator plates (.06
polystyrene; HDPS). So next is two 44nf caps in series to lower the voltage
stress and make things groovy.
Please tell me the magnifier trick. I've been using Wintesla to try and
get a handle on it. If the lower voltage (#1) is set for 480KC then the cap
is sooo small. What frequency does the first sec need to be if the second
sec is resonat at 160 KC (with toriod). sorry about long post.