Primary Flashover
Last night I decided to really give my six inch coil a real workout. I
set the system up and cranked the variac up to 100% with one of my
smaller toruses attached. Everything worked out fine, got 36" discharges
easily. Then I decided to change the toroid to a much larger one to see
if I could make it breakout. As soon as the gap fired there was a bright
light at the base of the secondary, and no sparks from the torus. At
first I was not sure were the light was comming from and thought the cap
was blown! After breaking out in a cold sweat I began to search around
for the problem. The first turn of the primary had flashed over to the
base of the secondary leaveing a nice burn on the side of the coil form!
Luckily the damage was only cosmetic. If I had been running at 5Kva it
would have blown a hole in the secondary. I don't want to change the
coupling by removing the first turn of the primary or raising the
secondary. Does anyone have a solution?
Frankensteins Helper