Re: Ignition coil measurements
Sulaiman Abdullah
Let's start a new thread: Transformer Design
Because, I wanted to work on a newer concept of a transformer all
together. I was handling a can of lanolin, and thinking about building a
transformer one day, and I realized something. Lanolin, is a compressable
fluid. So, when I was banging on the can, it would vibrate, and resonate,
after I hit it, it would just sorta "boing".
I'm sure you affiliated with hysterisis, and permiablity. Well, if
there's a way to load a compressable fluid with a ferro-magnetic material,
be it nano-metal would eliminate the need for oxide, and neodymium should
work. In other words it would never need to demagnetize, but by being
suspended in the compressable fluid, be able to rotate a very small, low
mass granule of magnetized material with a greater ease than oil. I'm sure
that the container would experiance a change in pressure without any air
bubbles present, but magnetically sound, and calculations would be worked
about the same as any other magnetic material, but the frequency range
should be extended.
Do you know about any high temperature compressable fluids, or gels?