
steam spark gaps

call me stupid as i know someone somewhere has discussed this topic regarding
evacuated steam spark gaps... but i just gotta know.....

could you make a static spark gap in an evacuated cavity of pure steam? the
pressure would boil the water into steam and this (not a water vapor, REAL
would make the gap quench on a dime.

something like this ascii drawing:
vacuum pump
     ______________________________________|    |_______


---|  electrodes
   \____________________                  ___________________/
                                            \                /
                                             |               |   <--WATER POOL
(just enough to boil out during evacuation)

feedback would be appreciated

Cabbott Sanders
Salem Oregon
 ICQ: 6699435
 AIM: Cabbotttt
  Ph: 503-390-8992
 cel: 503-930-9173
Mobile Email: 5039309173-at-airtouch.powerband-dot-com

----15 KVA, 120" Ball Lightning Tesla coil--launch date 1/99----