
Re: info for beginners

>Original Poster: "chris morgan" <crmorgan-at-hotmail-dot-com> 
>I think what beginers could benifit from is a list of >equations.  That
way they could at least why they work if >not how how they work.

That is very very true.  Particularly if the text were to involve some
good explanations and examples.

>Also, info on the theory behind them like how tank >circuits and
resonance works is something that is barely >touched upon(besides saying
it works like a...)

The metaphor I find most useful for resonance (and easily testable) is a
piano.  Press one of the higher C keys down very gently, so that it does
not make a sound.  Then strike one of the lower C keys quite hard and
immediately let it up.  The higher C key will vibrate.

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