6" coil
I'm finally getting some respectable output from my new six inch coil.
After modififying my H&R transformer for higher voltage discharge length
has increased to at least 36 inches. One problem I had tonight was with
damping resistors. I have (had!) 3 kohm, 50 watt aluminum housed, wire
wound resistors on each high voltage output of the two transformers.
After running the coil for a few seconds one of them actually exploded!
I immediately killed the power and checked the transformers over. They
were undamaged. I am learning quickly that these transformers can sink
an enormous amount of current and not even get warm. After a few more
short runs the transformers were still ice cold!
As I mentioned in my earlier posts I removed 50 turns from the primary
of each antiparrallel transformer to increase the turns ratio. I also
knocked all of the shunts out of both transformers and added a choke in
series to control the current.
After my third run minus the destroyed resistors I tried cranking up
the variac a little more and the circuit breaker kicked out. It was only
rated at 20amps so my next stop will be to the hardware store to buy a
30amp. Also since I can't use damping resistors unless they are at
1000watts, or at low resistance. I'll have to rely on my LC filter and
safety gaps for protection. Now all I have do is tune it up for a larger
Frankensteins Helper