Re: 8KV tank supply from microwave oven components (fwd)
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Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 09:17:57 EDT
From: Homer Lea <HomerLea-at-aol-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: 8KV tank supply from microwave oven components (fwd)
In a message dated 5/22/98 8:52:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Problem is, tube diode multipliers need
> insulated filament transformers!!!!!
> Ed
I used to have to use batteries for upper sections so always wondered how easy
it would be to make HV insulated xfmrs. Commercially I know some Cockroft
Walton generators used rf xfmrs in series. Each stage had a tap for the
filament. At 60 Hz would it be simpler to have HV insulation between pri. and
sec. of 120/5 volts or use std 120/5 volt xfmr and then add a HV insulated 5/5
volt series xfmr?
jim heagy