
Re: new- KV's and multimeters

From: 	MATTHEW A PRICE[SMTP:ch038map-at-mode.lanl.k12.nm.us]
Sent: 	Sunday, November 23, 1997 1:58 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	new- KV's and multimeters

	Thanks for your input. I added to diodes (the biggest I have ever
found, from a TV set), one at ground, and the other between the 555 output
and the 3055. Then I threw in a fuse for good measure. So far it has
worked good, but I think you are right about the 3055. After a minute of
use in was very hot, but the TV transistor used to get pretty hot to. I'll
put a better transistor on my things to get list. I was messing around
with the 2 potentiometers that change the frequence, and notice how much a
little difference a little change will make, If their set low (frenquency
high) it won't evem spark. I was wondering if anyone knew what the best
frequency to set them at is. The lowest I can go is about 440hz? any
