

From: 	Barton B. Anderson[SMTP:mopar-at-mn.uswest-dot-net]
Sent: 	Saturday, November 22, 1997 5:36 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	RSG

I'm designing a RSG. Consider this:
Pulley driven shaft (in a 4 x 8 inch all aluminum housing) with a 9 inch
aluminum flywheel (the housing, flywheel, and shaft are the same
electrically). Electrode heat dissipation on this setup should not be a
problem. The shaft is driven from a round belt (a polyethylene material
which is strong, orange in color, non-conductive). I have driven the
flywheel and shaft with this belt and it works great. 1/3HP AC motor at
1800rpm. (electrically/physically isolated from the flywheel shaft).

I was considering 4 electrodes and two stationary gaps (now one
stationary). I am now considering 8 electrodes to bring the bps to 240
instead of 120. I've tried the RotJit program, but it doesn't allow an 8
electrode case. Is there any real reason to do this (or something else)?

Two stationary gaps appeared unnecessary. Since the housing is
electrically connected to the flywheel, I can make a permanent
connection to the flywheel (so to speak via the housing) leaving a
simple single stationary gap for adjustment. Gotta work great, right?

Bart Anderson
"freez'in in Minnesota"