
Re: Wireless ON/OFF for Tesla Coils- anyone done it?

From: 	Daryl P. Dacko[SMTP:mycrump-at-cris-dot-com]
Sent: 	Wednesday, November 05, 1997 4:18 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Wireless ON/OFF for Tesla Coils- anyone done it?

At 06:45 AM 11/5/97 -0600, you wrote:

>>Subject: 	Re: Wireless ON/OFF for Tesla Coils- anyone done it?
>>The other day, I was thinking back to a Richard Quick post, where 
>Richard described the 60Hz house ground "The last line of defense" or 
>something like that.  He was refering to situations where the discharge 
>from the secondary could strike the primary, and the operator console, 
>potentially subjecting the operator to primary circuit currents.
>What I am wondering is anyone on the list has tried switching a coil on 
>and off by remote, i.e. no wires or conductors connecting the user to 
>any part of the system.  I was thinking of imploying a simple infra red

I've often used a long string tied to a spring loaded microswitch, down
here on the farm ;'}

Some folks claim I'm overly fond of the KISS principle, tho.
