Re: 60 ma v.s. 30 ma
From: Alfred A. Skrocki[SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 1997 2:21 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: 60 ma v.s. 30 ma
On Wednesday, June 25, 1997 7:19 AM Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
[SMTP:Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com] wrote;
> Alfred,
> If you increase the supply current in a given system without changing the
> cap, you will get an increase in power delivered to the secondary and longer
> sparks. The cap will charge quicker, the gaps will fire more often and the
> system will process more power.
That is ONLY true if the capacitor was too large for the system to
begin with!
> Using my 14,400 volt pole pig and a .025 mfd cap - I can set the welder to
> limit the current supplied by the pig to say 100 ma. Now I get sparks that
> are X feet long. Now you are trying to tell me that if I increase the
> current up to 300, or 400 ma I will not get MUCH longer discharges??
When you current limit a transformer you also lower the voltage
output of the transformer.
> Apparently you have not tried this.
OH I most certainly have!
> I have and believe me you do not HAVE to increase the size of the
> capacitor to process more power.
If you read my origional post you will see that that IS what I said!
The capacitor is the LIMITING factor on how much power you can cram
into a given Tesla coil, the bigger the primary capacitor the more
energy you can get into the system. Assuing of course that the
transformer can fully charge that capacitor.
\\ ~ ~ //
( -at- -at- )
Alfred A. Skrocki
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