
Re: Big Cap

From: 	DR.RESONANCE[SMTP:DR.RESONANCE-at-next-wave-dot-net]
Sent: 	Sunday, July 20, 1997 6:02 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Big Cap

To: Larry

Are these non-PCB caps?  Once you purchase a PCB cap you are stuck with it
for life.  Disposal cost is around $500 per unit.  Careful with that axe
Eugene (from Pink Floyd)!


> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: 'Tesla List' <tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
> Subject: Big Cap
> Date: Sunday,July 20,1997 12:16 PM
> From: 	Larry Robertson[SMTP:LWRobertson-at-msn-dot-com]
> Sent: 	Saturday, July 19, 1997 10:34 PM
> To: 	bertpool-at-flash-dot-net
> Cc: 	Tesla Builders
> Subject: 	Big Cap
> Hi Bert ...
> 	Thanks for volunteering information on those Sangamo
> caps. The price sounds good, but I guess when contemplating
> a 250 lb. purchase one would want to know where it is more or
> less.
> 	I live about 25 miles south of San Jose, CA in what used
> to be a small town called Morgan Hill. The widening of Hwy 101
> fixed the small .
> 	A local company has Aerovox caps 1.84 mfd. at 60 kV
> p/n PX300D28 (which also have a substantial heft) for $200 plus
> $10 (!) shipping.
> 	If your friend lives nearby or we could arrange shipping 
> for a reasonable sum I might rather buy from him. Let me know.
> LR