
Re: TC Electrostatics (fwd)

Richard Wayne Wall wrote:

> I believe you are in error above in stating " . . . but any electric
> fields will only be parallel to the axis of the wire . . ."  In an
> electrodynamic circuit the electric field is perpendicular to the axis
> of the conductor.
> For a discription, imagine a round black dot drawn on a paper.  Around
> the dot draw multiple concentric circles and also multiple radial lines
> out from the dot.  If the dot represents a cross section of the
> conductor with the conductor going into and coming out of the paper,
> the concentric circles represent magnetic field lines of force and the
> radial lines represent electric field lines.  The electric field
> radiates out perpendicular to the longitudnal axis of the conductor.
> This description is by Charles Steinmetz for electrodynamic currents in
> a conductor.  It seems not to support your interpretation of these
> experimental results.

But if there is no longitudinal electric field along the wire, why do
the charges flow down the wire?