Re: torque conv./ inner tubes
>I was thinking of getting a hack saw and cuttig around the periphery
>so it
>could be gutted and therefore lightened.
I too had wondered about using a torque convertor for a terminal. Would
the raised ribs on the outer shell need to be ground down or in someway
smoothed over? I would think that a terminal of this type would be
absolutely indestructable.
I have also considered using an inner-tube from a car or truck tire for a
basis of a terminal. It could have a shell of either metal screen and
plaster or perhaps a thin layer of fiberglass applied for rigidity
before coating with foil or adhesive aluminum tape such as that used in
the heating and air business.
By using different sizes of tubes and different pressures, almost any
size of terminal would be possible. Anything from a go-cart inner-tube
to one off of a farm tractor. (That's one I would like to see run!)
I can't seem to look at any object without imagining a use for it in a
Tesla Coil. It drives my wife crazy!!!!! Maybe we should start a
seperate listserv as a support group for wives of coilers.
(Our possibley husbands, though I've never ran into a female coiler!)
Just my thoughts............
Kerry "Kilroy" Ludwig