
Re: TC Electrostatics (fwd)

Bert Hickman wrote:
> > > Increasing Cp, Vg, and X, or decreasing Cs will increase Vs. However, Vs
> > > increases linearly with increasing Vg, but only as the square-root of
> > > the ratio of Cp/Cs. Large systems tend to significantly increase both Vg
> > > and Cp, while only moderately increasing Cs (to protect the secondary
> > > and prevent breakout at higher voltages). Not obvious from the simple
> > > equations above is that while increasing Cs may reduce output voltage,
> > > it may increase overall coil performance and sparklength for a variety
> > > of other reasons! Trying to maximize output voltage is not the whole
> > > story.
> > > -- Bert --

Hi Bert,
Great analysis -- Starting with the conservation of energy is a good way
to arrive at a practical conclusion.
I am curious to know your opinions on what other parameters besides Vout
are important to overall coil performance.