Wine bottle cap.
Last weekend I was about to throw a 1.5 liter wine bottle out, and
thought it might make a good salt water and oil cap. Previously my TCs
had used commercial HV caps, that were readily available, at reasonable
prices at hamfests. The supply of these caps seems to have dried up
lately, probably due to the ascendence of solid state gear.
Construction was simple, and all materiels were obtained from the
kitchen or the junk box. The final product measured at 9.7nF and when
powered by a small neon(7.5KV-at-20ma.) made my set of test gaps(four
tungsten faced adjustable gaps in series) crackle merrily.
I know these caps are inferior to aluminum flashing and polyethylene
film ones, but they are so easy to make, that I think I'll make some
more. I am eyeing a four liter glass jug that should empty out over the
An engineering handbook I consulted, said glass dielectrics would
stand 6KV of AC. How about some practical info from a list member. What
is the maximum voltage a single cap will stand? When they fail, what
happens, is there a significant explosion hazard? Any info would be
73, Ira W3ZLK