Re: TV / National geographic
Tesla List wrote:
> >From Steve_Crawshaw_at_erith6-at-smtpgwy.supertension-dot-comThu Aug 8 10:58:48 1996
> Date: Thu, 08 Aug 96 09:40:50 GMT
> From: Steve_Crawshaw_at_erith6-at-smtpgwy.supertension-dot-com
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: TV / National geographic
> FAO Richard Hull
> Richard, I remember you posting details of a TV programme in which
> your work was featured which was to be screened in August in the UK.
> Could you please repost details of this as I have lost the original
> message. Could you also provide details of the National Geographic
> article?
> Cheers
> Steve Crawshaw
I believe the show was called "Future Fantastic" or something like that
supposed to be scheduled to air in August on BBC. Not sure which
channel. Main thrust is not TESLA Coils, but hydrogen or water energy.
My coil will appear, however, as part of the series and my investigation
into water arc explosions.
National Geo, I believe, was June or July issue 1993 lightning bolt on
cover. You can't miss it!
Hope this helped.
Richard Hull, TCBOR