
RE: Spheres vs Toriods


Your final point about the plastic spreader is ok.  As long as the toroid 
overhangs the winding of the coil you should be OK,  The field control only 
relys on the donut portion.  The web or spreader does act to even the field 
out a bit, mainly by providing a smooth even field in the center of the 
toroidal plane.  It is not required on stacked toroids at all as this area 
is seal off.  I still prefer the lower toroid in a stack to have a metallic 

One fianl note.  The use of a plastic web, which is a dielectric, might 
support and retain a nasty charge in very dry weather after the coil is off, 
so be careful.

Richard Hull, TCBOR
From: tesla
To: 73041.2215; 73663.1536; BrittB7556; JHERRON; JOHNBATES3; abourass; 
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shu95mmc; stevej; twill19; yiorgos
Subject: RE: Spheres vs Toriods
Date: Monday, April 08, 1996 1:02PM