

 * Original msg to: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com

 > From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
 > To: richard.quick-at-slug-dot-org
 > Subject: Re: Tesla Video

 ES> Richard,
 ES> Yes I did receive the video the other day.  Thank you.  Also thanks
 ES> for your comments on my schematic. Very impressive!  You obviously
 ES> have been coiling for several years. It shows in your design, setup
 ES> and of course the massive discharges. You also have a great collection
 ES> of equipment.  

Thank you!

 ES> I believe I read somewhere that high voltage discharges are equal to 
 ES> about 70kv/inch - depending on temperature and humidity. 
 ES> Is this about right?  

I think that generally, for RF anyway, 70 kV per inch is in the ballpark.
DC is credited with about 15 kV per inch, and 60 cycle a bit higher, like
20 - 22 kV per inch.

 ES> If so, your 132" discharge is equal to about 9 million volts!! 

I was happy with the 132 inches, measured point to point.

 ES> In watching the video and reading some recent postings I think I 
 ES> will encounter some problems with my spark gaps and my toroid
 ES> discharger.  Again, I have a 6.0" dia coil complete, 2 cylindrical
 ES> spark gaps with 105cfm fans, one 12kv 60ma and one 12kv 120ma neon
 ES> (2.1kva max), one .019 mfd rolled capacitor (one more under
 ES> construction) and I am working on the primary coil form now.  It is
 ES> 8.0" dia at the bottom and 25.0" dia at the top, wound with 3/8" 
 ES> copper tubing at 30 degrees. From what I've seen on your tape and read
 ES> recently, I think I will need a much larger discharger - like maybe
 ES> 24.0" dia. I noticed you got much better performance with your vacuum
 ES> gap than you did with the cylindrical gaps. I may need to build one.
 ES> What do you think?

OK, the gaps first. The cylinder static gap in the video was designed to 
operate as part of a sophisticated gap system that included a rotary. 
The gap electrodes were set very close (.018 inches) , and there were 
only five gaps in each cylinder. 

Two of these cylinder static gaps placed in series with the indivdual 
gaps spaced at .028 - .03 inches will perform much, much, better than the 
performance of the gap shown in the video. It will not match the vacuum
gap, but it ain't cheeseball either. You won't regret building them.

 ES> I also have a question about the line filter on the 120v side of the
 ES> neons. You said it needs to be grounded to the breaker box ground. I
 ES> would think it should be grounded to the system RF ground.
 ES> Thanks,  Ed Sonderman

Then go with it. Just as long as there is no direct electrical connection
between the system RF ground and the breaker box. I generally choose to
isolate the grounds with the core of the step up transformer as the
dividing line. You are not "wrong" in choosing a point further back (the
line filter cases). But I would almost bet money that with the line filter 
grounded to the system RF ground and the coil operating at full power, you 
will be able to draw spark off of the line filter case with a key held in 
your hand. 

I guess that this would be a good point to introduce my "three" ground
system. This is a favorite of mine, and gives a super clean 60 cycle
breaker box when working with Tesla Magnifiers. In the three ground
system I use a third dedicated ground that I designate the "control"
or "safety" ground. This ground is usually an isolated ground of 
"opportunity", in my case the basement house drains made out of cast 
iron pipes. I ground my variac, line filters, and control cabinet here.
This gives me another low impedance ground to work with that has a 
lower RF potential than the RF system ground. It gives me a "half step"
of RF potential lower than the system ground, but not as low as the
60 cycle ground which remains connected to the cabinet, but highly

When using the three ground system I can pull arc off of the system
ground with any conductor when firing. I can light a neon indicator
bulb on a a pickup coil at the control ground. The 60 cycle ground
is clean. 

Richard Quick
... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12