Re: Primary Q's and Spark Gaps
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: Primary Q's and Spark Gaps
From: mrbarton-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com (Mark Barton)
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 05:29:35 -0800
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Yes, I usually measure 1-2 ohms for Rp. I believe Malcolm measures about the
> Throwing some numbers at it, let's assume the primary inductances
>people might use are, say, Lp=100uH and the primary capacitance, Cp, might
>be 20nF. Estimating Qp=sqrt(Lp/Cp)/Rp, the "average" primary resistance
>from all factors such as spark gaps, skin, proximity, adn dielectric losses
>should be about Rp=0.3ohm. Seem reasonable?
> Is most of this Rp coming from the spark gap?