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Re: wimpy first light & fun with near death experience ;-)

Original poster: tesla <tesla-at-paradise-dot-net.nz> 

Hi Chris

Can you mention a few of the specs of the coil, what is Cp size ? and Fo
with the torid in place.
I have a similar coil and although I have never achieved MOT arcing under
oil I think there can be very unfortunate primary voltage ring ups with
6MOTs, the firng times and the Cp value. With 300bps srsg, 90nF, I have rung
up my primary to voltages which I guess must have been 30kv or so as I had a
bang in the MMC and a very wide safety would fire madly. I'm told that
300bps is a difficult bps and is unstable , I wonder if you have something
happening like this.

Good luck
Ted L in NZ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 11:08 AM
Subject: wimpy first light & fun with near death experience ;-)

 > Original poster: "Christoph Bohr" <cb-at-luebke-lands.de>
 > Hello all!
 > One hour ago I set my new maggy up for the first time. I ballasted the
 > stack to around 2,5KVA