Nickel spray
As you stated on TCML, the spary on nickel thing is very thick and clogs
the nozzle. I dont' knwo if you tried, but after i use any spray can, i
always turn is upside down and let is spray for a few seconds to blow off
paint/chemicals in the nozzle. If you do this, your nozzle stays a hella lot
Yes! we all know that trick Alan.
But this happens anyway!
Incidentally, my brother replaced the salt water in his caps with lead shot.
The performance of the caps went down somewhat !
Despite all these various arguments for different kinds of caps, many of
which I've tried, I'm sticking to salt water in beer bottles (or champagne
bottles). You can get packs of empty champagne bottles for low cost
in brewing equipment shops. I've never had a bursting, though I'm not
running too hefty power through them. (I run 12000V -at- 90 mA), but
now I'm running them with oil on top of the water. I am a little unsettled
by with fine sparks on top of uncovered water !