Odd Variac Control And Transformer Really Buzzing ??
I got my first MMC built. :-) Thanks Again Terry.
I am now able to power the coil with AC rather than
DC. By the way performance does seem to be up.
Transformer is 9kv-at-30ma NST.
If my spark gap does not fire right away when I hit
the power to the Variac then the NST starts groaning
really loud. Turning up the Variac does not get the
gap firing it just makes the NST groan more.
If I turn the variac off and wait a couple of seconds
and pop the power to it. The gap starts firing and
streamers a flowing.
Does someone know why this is. I thought one of the
points of the variac is to bring the power up slowly,
I don't understand why it is not working that way.
When I run with diodes I don't see this behavior, I can
turn the variac up and down, starting and stopping the
firing of the gap.
Thanks In Advance,
Bill Parn