Re: Paralleling Choke for Paralleling a 3 phase variac???
> Well, anybody have any thoughts on how to wind one of your own???
I can only tell you how mine looks to be wound. It looks like copper strap,
1mm thick and about 2 inches across. Some kind of insulating material between
turns. I don't have it with me, but IIRC about 20 turns. It has a large guage
wire soldered to each end of the coil, probably about 6AWG. And two of them at
the center tap. From what I understand from the guy I bought it from,
connect the
wipers from 2 variacs to the outter terminals and the output is the center tap.
This makes sense as that is basicly the reverse of a signal spliter.
I can take more acurate measurements when I get home if there is interest. I
don't want to disassemble it, but I'll try to help anyone who wants to attempt
building one by providing info from mine.