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[TCML] Re: Terry/lowpass filter design, OBIT

>  Work hardening is why people get drunk looking primaries when using
refrigeration tubing.

Hah! That's exactly what happened with my primary. It's circular-ish. It
apparently works fine, but it's ugly. I've been trying to find the secret
people are using to get these really nice looking spirals with copper
tubing, and I think the magic is a setup where you have to move the copper
as little as possible.

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 7:16 PM <pupman.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The nearest Essex distributor with stock that doesn't mind a small sale
> gets the order. I like their inverter grade wire. With thicker guages, the
> weight of wire goes up fast and if you play it right, you don't end up
> with a useless amount of wire leftover. Bigger spools unwind nicer too,
> although it doesn't matter for stuff like 28 guage. Copper work hardens
> pretty fast too, so again, with thicker wires you want to get things right
> the first time if looks matter. Shiny varnish will bring out all the ugly.
> For say a medium sized coil on 6" PVC with say 30" of windings with 20
> gauge the math comes out to aound 25 turns per inch, and 1227 feet, which
> is around 4 pounds. I'd just a 10lb spool and make another coil or two vs.
> ending up with 25% of unusable scrap.
> Work hardening is why people get drunk looking primaries when using
> refrigeration tubing. It's a pain to clean off the scale, but you can sort
> of anneal copper with a propane torch. Acetylene works much better. Same
> tricks apply to these- buy new and in the largest size (diameter of
> packaging) you can, and use the absolute minimum number of bending cycles
> during production.
> On Tue, 23 Nov 2021, Joshua Thomas wrote:
> > I?m not sure where you?re buying from, but 8 oz of 28awg magnet wire,
> 155C
> > polyurethane insulation, is a whopping $14.14 straight from Remmington
> > Industries. Manufacturer is Elektrisola.
> >
> > That size was just over the amount I needed to wind my 3.5? x 16? coil.
> >
> > If you want the heavy-build wire, that?s $1 more, and you get about 10 ft
> > less.
> >
> > If you want to go all the way up to the 240C polymide insulation, that
> goes
> > up to $38.41? but no one in any reading I?ve done has ever given any
> > indication that is necessary.
> >
> > I?ve still spent more money on my CDE caps than all the magnet wire I
> have
> > combined.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 11:25 PM <pupman.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >> The fancy toroids have problems too, mostly cost, availability and then
> >> they're heavy and completely overkill from a mechanical perspective. I
> >> guess they do look cool compared to everything else.
> >>
> >> Has anyone done a "bulk buy" of these recently? The shop that made mine
> >> went defunct long ago.
> >>
> >> I can wind pretty much any size coil that can be reasonably shipped or
> >> picked up from the Chicago area. You might be in for a surprise though
> >> when it comes to the price of materials alone. Magnet wire comes in 5
> >> pound spools and up Even these are basically considered sample sizes.
> I'd
> >> never buy respooled ebay specials. If the wire doesn't have a wrapper
> from
> >> the manufacturer you don't know how knotted up it is, who made it or why
> >> it was rejected in the first place. PVC drain pipe isn't too bad,
> >> fiberlgass tubing is tens of dollars a foot now. hardware store
> >> polyurethane varnish is cheap (and works fine), fancy engineered
> coatings
> >> are not. Most of the good stuff is not compatible with PVC either. The
> sky
> >> and your wallet are the limit. If anyone wants to to throw money at
> >> problems, you can contact me directly. I'd save the money for a
> frequency
> >> generator though.
> >>
> >> My first secondaries were garbage and have to be redone multiple times.
> >> Same for the person who got me started in coiling. The best was the coil
> >> what was wound before realizing the magnet wire was just really old bare
> >> wire with a patina that had no varnish insulation at all. Other
> rediculous
> >> attempts were trying to use actual transformer varnish from a
> transformer
> >> factory.
> >>
> >> Your first coil works, so that's always a plus. It only gets better from
> >> there as you refine your design and constuction techniques.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, 23 Nov 2021, Joshua Thomas wrote:
> >>
> >>> Thank you!
> >>>
> >>> My topload is covered with copper foil. The base is dryer tube. While
> >>> cheap, it is difficult to get a strongly smooth surface from it. I am
> >>> jealous of those who can get the smooth spun-aluminum toroids.
> >>>
> >>> On the topic, can anyone recommend a service that will create secondary
> >>> coils to specification? I am fairly bad at this and it?s one area I
> would
> >>> be willing to spend a little money.
> >>>
> >>> Joshua Thomas
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:20 AM <pupman.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Joshua,
> >>>>
> >>>> The arcs look and sound great in this video. They grow and move vs.
> >>>> appear once and vanish. It does looks like there may be too many
> >>>> breakout/sharp points on the toroid though, and lots of energy is
> being
> >>>> lost. A light wrap of foil might smooth things out enough to allow
> >>>> fewer, but longer and more developed  streamers.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 11/21/2021 4:03 PM, Joshua Thomas wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> <content trimmed>
> >>>>> These were used with 3 between each HV rail and RF ground.  The caps
> >>>> caught
> >>>>> on fire after short use. You can see video of that event here:
> >>>>> https://youtube.com/shorts/Sx_lHwjR_bs?feature=share
> >>>>>
> >>>>> (I should likely have shut this down sooner)
> >>>> <content trimmed>
> >>>> _______________________________________________
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> >>>>
> >>> --
> >>> Joshua Thomas
> >>>
> >>> My new email address is: joshuafthomas@xxxxxxxxx
> >>> Please update your information if you have not already done so.
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> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Tesla mailing list -- tcml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> >>
> > --
> > Joshua Thomas
> >
> > My new email address is: joshuafthomas@xxxxxxxxx
> > Please update your information if you have not already done so.
> >
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Joshua Thomas

My new email address is: joshuafthomas@xxxxxxxxx
Please update your information if you have not already done so.