[Home][2018 Index] Re: [TCML] Why Was Tesla’s 1899 Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter Never Fully Developed for Full Power? [Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]

Re: [TCML] Why Was Tesla’s 1899 Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter Never Fully Developed for Full Power?

I am not sure exactly what your question is..." I have wondered what Tesla
would have to have done to operate his magnifier at full power with his 142
foot “structure of iron pipes” connected?"

The large mast on the Colorado Springs lab was only constructed to measure
the effects of elevated capacitance. It was never intended, nor did it,
emit any sparks. The summation from Hull's notes shows that the input power
was 2-30 KV (22.5 KV being the most commonly used). We don't know the
amperage or KVA, but again, Hull surmises 15+ KVA. We also know all the
arcs Tesla created were for publicity to gain the interest of investors.
Arcs were not desirable for wireless radio or power.

Tesla's actual words on the mythically claimed 125 foot streamers were have
all heard (CSN page 330):
"These streamers were about the longest produceable in the present
building, with the roof closed, measuring from 31-32 feet in a straight
line from the origin to end. Taking into account the curiously curved path
the length was probably more than twice this, so that taking the discharge
from tip to tip of these longest streamers, the actual path of the
discharge through the air was from, say, 124-128 feet!"

As best as I know, Tesla never produced any arcs from the Wardenclyffe
Tower. But there is a section in the CSN where Tesla notes how to design a
topload to minimize the physical size, while maximizing capacitance, and
PREVENTING arcs. And when we look at the Wardenclyffe tower, we see that
funky knobby looking topload...designed NOT to make sparks.

To what if Tesla ran Wardenclyffe at full power??? Read the article on page
194 of Hull's Notes...pretty hopefull and inspiring...and I have given up
on 'wireless' a long time ago.

Kansas City area
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