Without a proper solid ground connection, you have two other options
besides a counterpoise:
1) construct a half wave (or bipolar Tesla coil)
2) construct a twin coil
The twin coil is pretty cool. You build two identical secondaries. One is
inductively coupled to the primary as usual, but instead of being grounded,
it electrically connects to the other free standing coil. I am not sure if
it matters if they are wound in opposite directions, but I believe they
will arc independently of each other and if you move them close together
they will make for some nice power arcs. Obviously the cost can go up fast
when try to match a set of matched toroids!
Be careful with that counteroise. It may try to find the closest path to
ground, and do it violently, and most likely not be where you expect. So
stay a safe distance.
Excellent transformer construction! You are an inspiration to me!
Kansas City area (USA)
On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 8:04 AM, Jan Ohlsson <jan@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Kurt,
> Your big coil is really impressive and it was not my intention to be
> disrespectful to a pioneer like mr Burnett. A calculation method that makes
> it possible to establish a good balance between BPS, ballast inductor and
> capacitor is of course of great value, regardless of if the charging system
> really is resonant in the true sense or not.
> And thanks David,
> You and others have certainly convinced me of the importance of varnish...
> Yes, the bomb shelter is a great place, but I will be dependent on a
> counterpoise type ground, and I have gotten the impression that this
> concept
> is not that much tested for tesla use.
> I was planning on an epoxy/fiberglass disk for the rotary, slightly larger
> in diameter (40 cm), in the hope that this would cool the electrodes
> better.
> But from ypur experiences with your high powered coil, I realize that
> electrode erosion might be a bigger problem then I expected. I will try to
> achieve as much cooling as possible for the stationary electrodes, and will
> try to locate larger diameter rods. Perhaps double sets of stationary
> electrodes would also share the load and keep up better?
> All assuming that I first succeed with the transformer and ballast, of
> course...
> Kind regards,
> Jan
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