User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
Hi Guys, I am in need of some advice. I wish to acquire a NST in the
range of 10KV-30MA, but as I shop I see [current limited] or [adjusts
from 9KV to 12KV automatically] ETC.ETC.ETC! I do not know how all these
parameters apply to what I should purchase! Can someone give me some
guidance, please? OR, if anyone has one they wish to sell let me know.
Another question, lets say I have 2 capacitors, Cap#1 is 10nf-10KV,
Cap #2 is 10nf-30KV, and my NST is rather small, lets say 6KV-30MA, is
there a difference in the ability of my NST to charge them?
I realize all this must be BASIC knowledge to most of you, but I am
nowhere near the [basic knowledge] stage yet!
This TC thing is very addictive! There is this big grey thing on a
pole in my yard I have my eye on.:-D [That':-D s a joke]