Thanks all for your excellent input on top loads - Toroids.
Does the middle section have to be "filled in" with a metal object like a
pie pan? I thought I saw a picture online that had an X or + shape middle
section to reach out to the donut shape and hold it to the top of the
secondary. If it has to be filled in with a metal surface like a pie pan,
is there any rule on how thick it should be in the middle - or just enough
to hold the donut shape in place?
Also I saw online one design using filler material inside and outside of
the donut shape. Should the donut not be hollow inside with air?
Thanks - Tim
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 9:15 AM, mddeming--- via Tesla <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> K-Mart and Big Lots also occasionally carry different sizes
> of pans for those who have ethical problems with Hobby Lobby.
> Matt D
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wt5y <wt5y@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Mon, Mar 23, 2015 4:25 pm
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Mid sized Tesla Coil - Done
> If you have a hobby lobby in your area they sell an assortment of pie pans
> in
> different sizes.
> John Cooper
> Sent from my Samsung GALAXY S5™, a Cricket 4G
> LTE smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Timothy Gilmore
> <tdg8934@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date:03/22/2015 16:02 (GMT-06:00)
> To: Tesla Coil Mailing
> List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Mid sized Tesla Coil - Done
> Thanks Jon!
> I've been putting many hours in every day trying to get it ready
> for the
> showing next Friday. When you say make the toroid topload bigger,
> I'm
> assuming you mean use larger ducting like 8" or larger if I can find
> it
> (instead of the 6" I have now). It was hard to find the right size
> middle
> section and was lucky to find 13" foil pizza trays (as the 4"
> ducting
> torroid toploads use more easily found 9" pie tins). I also used
> foil
> wrapped cardboard inside for more strength but it wants to shift around
> too
> much unless kept tight. Is it more important to have a larger middle
> section
> to the torroid topload or the ducting size (i.e. 6", 8", 12")? It
> might be
> easier to locate a more ridged larger middle section and wrap the
> 6"+ ducting
> around that,
> Also wrapping it all in aluminum tape would keep it more uniform
> and flat
> (less crinkle like), I also found that adding a large spike nail to the
> top
> of the torroid middle section (wedge in) would direct more sparks out
> the
> end of it. So making it more uniform (or bigger) will allow for less
> medium
> sized sparks and will discharge sparks that are thicker and
> longer?
> Tim
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Jon Danniken
> <danniken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Wow that looks great, you got that together
> fast!
> >
> > A couple suggestions would be to work on your topload to eliminate
> the
> > multiple streamers (assuming you don't like multiple streamers), so that
> >
> you end up with one larger streamer. Part of the issue can be caused
> > by the
> lack of a uniform surface across the topload, providing multiple
> > breakout
> points, or the cause could be too small of a topload. You
> > could try cleaning
> up the topload you have to see if things improve, and
> > if not, build a larger
> topload, taking care to keep it uniform (aluminum
> > tape can come in handy for
> the seams).
> >
> > When you get the topload sorted out, you can work on coupling,
> by
> > raising the primary (or lowering the secondary), gradually, until you
> >
> start getting racing sparks. When that happens, back it off a bit and
> > you
> will be as tight as you can be.
> >
> > Again, good job on this one!
> >
> > Jon
> SNIP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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