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[TCML] Emergency Secondary repair, also archives down???

Hey all.
     So I finally burnt up my first secondary coil, (hopefully my last
also) and I was going to show it off on Saturday (not a paid gig, but still
I'd rather not disappoint).  I was going to look up the accepted procedure
on repairing them in the archives like a good boy, but they didn't work on
my machine, I got a 404 error...  Well the error occurred when I tried to
"search the site including archives".  Anyway, is there any last second
pointers for the uninitiated?  The coil is a 4*18 wound with 28 AWG, is
there any chance of saving her?  The turn got hot and smoked a bit, before
glowing red, it is pretty bad, but the damage seems confined to about 3
turns or so, about 2/3rds up the side, it suffered a fall at some point and
despite re-coating it with polyurethane, well you know the story.

Scott Bogard.
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