[Home][2014 Index] [TCML] Cambridge Teslathon 25/26th October [Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]

[TCML] Cambridge Teslathon 25/26th October


Just a reminder Cambridge Teslathon is 6 weeks away.

Sun/Sat 25/26th October at the Cambridge Museum of Technology

If you are exhibiting this year and haven't let me know, please email me.
If you are visiting, just turn up at the museum.

This year is looking really good with a couple of big tesla coils and for
the first time ever, MORE ELECTRONIC COILERS than CLASSIC ONES !! Finally,
the transistor is taking over

Details, in case you don't know :-

This is an informal meeting of people interested in building High Voltage
tesla coils, multipliers, van de graaff's, wimshurst machines, violet ray
machines, ignition coils, and the opportunity to bring, test, experiment,
demonstrate and view any of the equipment that others have brought.

More details are available at

If you are interested in visiting, please just arrive up at the museum from
11:00 on the Saturday. Museum visitor charges will apply.

The event will finish at 15:00 on the Sunday, otherwise it will be open to
museum entry times.

For exhibitors of larger coils earlier setup may be available, please
contact me.

If you would like to bring a Tesla coil or other HV or interesting piece of
electronic, mechanical or electrostatic machinery, Please contact me at

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