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Re: [TCML] Elon Musk...

Wardenclyffe seems a poor choice for a Tesla Museum; the original 'tower base' is now about 100ft from a surburban neighborhood... What scale of machine could one possibly hope to operate there, other than regular indoor museum coils?

Remember Tesla's utter repulsion at being given the Edison Medal? Imagine his response at being presented with a 'goddamn' Tesla Museum.

Trying to put Elon Musk on the spot is amusing, but I suspect he's more sophisticated than that. He'd probably be far more interested in applying that $8M towards developing Tesla's actual ideas.



Message: 11
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 08:15:39 -0400
From: jeff_behary <jeff_behary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [TCML] Elon Musk...
Message-ID: <BLU406-EAS28536EFBC26AD0A9790463C9A330@xxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


I want to see a Tesla museum at Wardenclyffe as much as anyone. ?Jim Hardesty and I jumped the fence and walked inside before in presence of a TV crew, Bill Wysock, Graham Foulkes, the Corums. ?Great fun. ?

Its an important place for us all.

Putting Elon Musk on the spot for $8M? ?
Really? ?

Does this $8M include acquiring real history? ?Or does that fall from the sky too? ?Or will more money be needed then? ?In my experience that part takes a lifetime.

I'm going to be quiet now.......

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