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Re: [TCML] Feedback & Resonance Duality

Just a quick question. When operating a DRSSTC through primary feedback, would a close observation of the signal picked up by the current transformer reveal significant variations in frequency during every burst? Or would the feedback signal be bound to the fixed resonant frequency of the primary side? Does the development of streamers and consequent alteration of the secondary's resonant frequency affect the primary's feedback?

With primary feedback, e.g. zero current switching, the frequency
will change with arc load. Under light load the frequency will be
close to one of the coils poles. With heavy load, it will be close
to the primary resonance.

If secondary and primary are tuned close to each other when you
start the burst, both pole frequencies will be excited leading to
a beating primary waveform. If they are tuned further apart, one
pole frequency will dominate, i.e. the one, that is closer to the
primary frequency.


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