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Re: [TCML] Base and Primary

On 3/26/14 5:32 AM, t-burns14 wrote:
Okay so I'm going ahead with the spoke idea. Here's the plan:
Get an 18" x 6" x 0.75" piece of HDPE.
Using a tablesaw, cut strips along the 18" side, about 0.25" thick.
Drill evenly spaced holes out using some kind jig.
Thread my tubing through and mount the spokes to... something.
What should I mount to and are there any flaws with what I outlined?\

It is exceedingly hard to thread through holes. You're better off drilling the holes in a straight line, then sawing off the top piece of the hole, then snap the tubing down into the notch. You want a bit more than half the hole, so there's two fingers sticking out to hold the tubing down.

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