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Re: [TCML] Winding a Primary

On 3/16/14 6:52 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
On 3/16/14 10:10 AM, t-burns14 wrote:
Okay so my CNC opportunity fell through. The reason I went to this
option in the first place was because I haven't the slightest idea how
one might wind a perfect primary coil spiral without guides. Can
anyone explain this process? Or link to a good website that explains it?

Perfect is really hard.

First, use the natural coil within the box of tubing.

And, since I hit enter too soon..

You need some supports with notches at the right distances. If you know someone with a radial arm saw who can notch some wood for you that helps. (actually notched ribs made from a HD polyethylene cutting board work great). Carefully start laying the primary windings in (without the secondary in place.

The key is not to bend the tubing too much, because copper work hardens really quickly. It's more of a gentle persuasion.

The other approach is to find something that is as wide as the spacing between turns, and wind it with the tubing between two flanges (a couple pieces of 3/4" plywood with a spacer works well. Again, it's all about being gentle with the tubing.

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